– Impressum –
Responsible for the content:
Get Live Entertainment
Owner: Thorsten Frank
Dobelstraße 16
70184 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 236 56 06
Fax: +49 711 236 56 07
Mobile: +49 172 636 75 26
German VAT ID: DE222626219
Design I like Visuelle Kommunikation, Stuttgart, i-like.ws
Programming Hacker Media
Our company is based in Germany and hence the german version of the imprint is valid in terms of the law. Please refer to the german imprint here.
Images of the following photographers are used on this website:
Udo Schönewald (Sweet & Cream Pictures), Andreas Zauber (fresh & cool / Emely Hope), Lukas Frontzek (fresh & cool), Akam (fresh & cool), pixabay.com (Bilderleiste), Stephan Kambor (Frame of Mind), Nadine Rapczynski (Frame of Mind), Laura Hermann (Sweet & Cream Logo)